45+ Selfies That Didn’t Turn Out As Planned: Funniest Mishaps

Who doesn’t enjoy taking selfies? In the past, one person was often missing from photos because they were the one holding the camera. Nowadays, people tend to take selfies more than pictures of others. Selfies are extremely popular now. Everyone is taking them and sharing them online for everyone to see. However, sometimes things can go wrong. These 50 funny selfies will show you exactly what we mean! From people who unintentionally captured their reflections in the mirror to those who made funny faces and got it wrong, these selfie mishaps are sure to make you laugh!

The mirror reveals everything.

Mirror selfies have always been and will continue to be a significant kind of photo for people. However, many people neglect to check their backgrounds before taking these selfies, which can lead to unfortunate results. This image illustrates why it’s essential to be aware of your surroundings before snapping a mirror photo. The girl seemed more concerned with her appearance than with her environment. While many will focus on her face, some won’t fail to notice that her pants are still down. This mirror selfie ended up being a disaster, not a great picture to share online.

There’s nothing superior to this.

I May See A Better Selfie Of A Man, A Baby And A Dog This Month But I Doubt It
Every parent wishes to take an adorable selfie of their baby and pet. But what if they don’t initially have a strong connection? It would be challenging to capture a cute selfie of them together. However, this dad accidentally discovered a trick. While attempting to take a selfie with his son, he noticed the dog right behind him. Not only is it an adorable picture, but it’s also somewhat deceptive. The dog appears sad because all the attention is on the baby. However, the dog is unaware that he is always part of the family.

How did he even find the time to do that?

In panic situations, often all one can do is pray and ask God for help. However, this man seems different. His plane crash-landed on water, yet he is calmly wearing a life jacket and taking a selfie. We wish everyone could remain this composed in life. How did he manage to find his phone and think of taking a selfie? Most people in this situation would be using their phone to call and communicate with someone. But, kudos to him—he possesses something remarkable.

The Friend Who Jumps Into Photos

One common favorite activity is photo bombing friends when they are about to take a couple selfie. Many have likely done this with their friends. It might appear amusing but can be quite frustrating for the couple. This can be particularly startling when you notice the eyes. It seems the couple was unaware of their friend peering from behind. They thought they had captured a cute couple photo, but they’re unaware of what they’ll see later. Hopefully, they noticed in time to take a photo without their friend peeking through the glass.


Reflection Fail
Everyone has their own source of pleasure, but it’s something people rarely discuss openly, even with friends. It’s a topic most will steer clear of, unless perhaps when they’re inebriated. However, this woman demonstrated openly how she keeps herself content. She takes pride in the things she purchases, and more people should be like her. Some might see it as staged, while others might find it amusing or a humorous mishap. Regardless, this woman certainly doesn’t care what others think of what they see.

Who’s there?

Before the night wraps up for you, it’s important to make sure everything in your home is in order, particularly your dog. Besides, the ideal moment for a selfie is right before you remove your makeup and snuggle into bed. It seems she forgot to bring her pet inside and is preoccupied with taking a selfie. Well, it’s a cute selfie with her pet, but it would have been better if the dog was inside. Hopefully, it wasn’t cold outside; otherwise, it would be tough for the dog to stay out all night.

It’s not the appropriate moment.

When You See It
Celebrating in the locker room is essential for the winning team. Regardless of the sport, locker room celebrations are significant for every player. It’s a moment everyone wants to be part of, and it helps strengthen team bonds. However, here they decided to take a team selfie at an inopportune time. While everyone was celebrating, the last man was in the shower. He didn’t want to miss out on the moment though, just look at how proudly he’s standing there. This victory must have been very important for him as well. It’s a memorable one for him.

Turn it off!

Pets can’t talk, but the more time you spend with them, the better you’ll understand their expressions. You will be able to tell what they are trying to communicate, and once you do, a change in behavior can be observed. This is similar to what happened here. Pets, especially cats, can be some of the biggest attention seekers you’ll encounter. In this case, the cat had enough of her owner being on the phone. When she saw her in that situation, her expressions clearly conveyed what she wanted to say.

Not very skilled at using Photoshop…

The man by the car believed no one would realize the car wasn’t his. However, he chose an odd method to claim ownership of the shiny red car. He went to the trouble of making a cardboard cutout of himself to demonstrate that the car was his. It was unclear what he was thinking when he decided to use a cardboard figure to assert his ownership. Instead, he could have simply asked someone to take a photo of him with the car, but he chose the cardboard option.

That’s literally showing off.

This is an incredible selfie. The girl in the photo isn’t showing off her teeth, but rather her flexibility. It’s refreshing to see a selfie where someone showcases their talent instead of something silly. Plus, look at how skillfully she uses her foot. This is an exceptional pose, and it’s rare to see someone brushing their teeth like this. She must be a gymnast, and it would be disappointing to learn otherwise. She should be displaying her talents to an audience rather than just in a restroom.

A mother who is let down

Parents often have numerous things they disapprove of their children doing. They put considerable effort into raising and disciplining them properly. Nonetheless, there’s something no parent would want to catch their child doing in their room. A mother could show extreme disappointment on her face, perhaps thinking that the child isn’t who she raised. It would be interesting to see her reaction after witnessing her daughter in such a situation. In this household, it seems chasing her down the hallway with a slipper might be inevitable.


Animals can often behave unpredictably, especially when they are confined in zoos and experience seeing people as a new phenomenon. This can make them even more unpredictable. Many zoos have signs urging visitors not to disturb the animals and to let them behave naturally. This situation highlights why it is important not to annoy animals, especially not for taking a selfie. In this incident, a camel went for a woman’s head when she attempted to take a selfie with it.

The Selfie for Tall People

The Oscars are unforgettable events that remain in people’s memories. The photos associated with the Oscars are also remarkable. The 2014 Oscar selfie was the most retweeted picture of the year, with 3,431,000 retweets. This selfie featured many notable faces. Numerous famous individuals were present in the selfie, including quite a few tall people. It was destined to be popular with so many well-known faces included. This iconic selfie was followed by a humorous post from the background. In the picture, Liza Minnelli is seen standing on her toes to get into the selfie but is unsuccessfully blocked by the taller individuals in front of her.

Mirror, mirror on the wall.

It’s common now for people to fake things on social media to appear cooler and less lonely. However, sometimes their attempts might seem fake because they’re not aware of their surroundings, just like the girl in the photo. This girl believed no one would realize that she was the one taking a picture of herself while supposedly sleeping. She wanted others to admire her beauty as she slept and perhaps compare her to Sleeping Beauty. Yet, she didn’t realize that a simple mirror could reveal the truth about who was pretending.

When You’re Unable to Find the Correct Angle

Short-length mirrors are inadequate for capturing a full view, posing a challenge when you want to see yourself in an entire outfit. When you’re dressed up, you want the outfit to be captured well. A girl attempted this, but the mirror was short. To capture herself fully, she stood in the bathroom, which resulted in a very amusing outcome. While it’s understandable to seek ways to fully capture yourself or your outfit, these methods can sometimes end up being funny.

A Deceptive Person

Aww My Boyfriend Is So Sweet! Sneaking In Shower Shots Of Me
This girl thought she could be clever but was proven wrong by a mirror. She attempted to make it look like her boyfriend was in the shower trying to stop her from taking a selfie. However, she didn’t realize the mirror was revealing the truth. Why do some girls try to pretend they are in a relationship when they actually aren’t? It’s unclear what satisfaction they gain from this. But this girl was caught in the act the moment she took the selfie. She must have been embarrassed if she posted it.

Always Seize the Chance

Selfie Background Fail
Many people seize the opportunity to take a selfie whenever they can. No one truly knows what drives this constant urge to take selfies. Scientists should investigate this as well, which could help clarify the reasons behind it once and for all. Undoubtedly, the woman was looking attractive and her makeup was fantastic. She felt it was ideal to take a selfie while she was occupied. However, what she was busy with should not have been revealed, particularly in the selfie she took in the restroom.

The Weather Must Be Chilly…

It seems either she’s in a cold place or she wants to make a statement. It appears she couldn’t choose which jacket to wear. However, since the window is down, it’s clear it wasn’t actually cold outside. Only she understands why she’s dressed this way. It seems she wanted to display her Guess denim jacket, but had trouble deciding due to her extensive wardrobe. We haven’t noticed this trend yet, but if it continues, it might become one. However, it wouldn’t suit everyone.

“Dad! Stop it!”

Living with your parents often means privacy and personal space aren’t options. You can’t lock your doors, even when trying to take a picture for social media. This happened to a girl whose selfie was photobombed by her shirtless father. While you may tolerate embarrassing parents in person, it can be a bit much on social media. The girl likely thought she’d take a simple photo of herself posing, but it didn’t turn out as planned.

There’s no need to zoom in!

Mirror Selfie. Look Closely
The girl believed she had taken the perfect selfie. Everything seemed to be going her way until she took a closer look at the photo. The angle, lighting, and pose were spot on, but the mirror wasn’t properly positioned. Not only did it highlight her nostril, but a stain on the small mirror made it appear as though she had a runny nose. It would have been better if she had cropped the picture before posting it on her socials. However, some people got an up-close view of her nostrils.

You’re not by yourself!

If we knew this girl, we would certainly advise her not to get too absorbed in taking a selfie. Look around you. Taking selfies is a trendy and enjoyable activity these days. People don’t hesitate to take selfies anywhere. Some shots turn out quite amusing as the person is only focused on themselves. This lovely young lady is so captivated by her own beauty that she almost forgets her surroundings. She didn’t notice anything unusual in the background and eagerly took the selfie. Later, she discovered someone peeking at her with one eye from behind the curtain.


Who doesn’t enjoy ice cream on a hot summer day? Nothing can surpass the pleasure of eating ice cream on such a day. This girl here was attempting to make others envious but was unaware of what was happening right behind her. Maybe she didn’t succeed in making others jealous, but the adorable dog behind her certainly was. The dog was ready to devour the ice cream cone right out of her hand but was so well-trained that he simply stared at it. That’s an excellent example of self-control.

Eyes Always Tell the Truth and Glasses Mirror It

We all know that dealing with traffic on a hot day is something most people want to avoid. Regardless, taking selfies has become such a part of our lifestyle that no one needs a reason to take one. But this woman did, even though she wasn’t good at lying. Her caption claimed she was stuck in traffic. However, her sunglasses clearly showed there wasn’t a single car on the road. She just wanted attention and an excuse to take a selfie and pout. Other captions would have been better than a dishonest one. How did she not notice the reflection?

Individuals who crave attention

When the woman took out her camera, one of her cats saw an opportunity and stepped forward to be in front. However, when the other cat noticed, it wanted a better spot in the photo. You can see where it chose to sit. The white cat on top seems like the perfect model. Meanwhile, the black cat appears envious of the other one receiving more attention. The battle for attention between the cats has been ongoing for quite some time now.

Please pay attention!

A lecture room is where you need to pay the most attention. Lacking focus can cost you a lot of marks, which is the last thing you want. Here’s a lady trying to take a good selfie. The lecturer would be disappointed to see this picture. While others are studying, she is taking a selfie. But what if she is already prepared for the material she’ll study here? That’s something we might not have considered thoroughly.

That’s one of a kind.

We’ve all witnessed individuals striking a pout or smiling for a selfie. Some even hold the camera so close to their face that you’d be startled if they abruptly showed you the photo. However, this guy seems to be an expert in selfie photography. Not only is his pose on point, but he also nailed the perfect lighting, position, and angle. He’s got everything figured out. The distance between the camera and his face makes it appear as though someone else took the picture. What a genius! We hope to see the selfie he took.

An Adorable One!

Everyone is aware of how cat owners are devoted to their pets and adore them, even when they constantly get scratched. That’s a special kind of love they have for them. There’s nothing that will change their minds. Just take a look at this selfie to see their connection. Notice how similar they appear, sharing some common features. Having the same eye color as your cat is quite rare. It’s not something we see every day.


No matter how confident you feel at public gatherings or other events, there’s always something that can make you feel awkward. Selfies are usually taken when someone feels at ease, so they can present their best self. However, many can relate to this scenario. Not only is the selfie a backward mirror shot, but the person taking it is caught by surprise, as is the person entering the restroom, who is also caught in the shot. The eye contact between these two would be an uncomfortable one, and it’s something they’ll likely remember for a long time.

Hold on a second!

It might take you a little while to spot what’s wrong in this selfie. At first glance, it just seems like the woman has grabbed her morning coffee and is ready to drive to work. Take a moment to figure out what might be amiss here. She’s not only driving, but she has a coffee in one hand and a camera for the selfie in the other. So how is she managing? This is a serious safety risk and something she should be addressing. Moreover, she isn’t wearing a seat belt, which is something that should always be worn.

Taking a selfie is important.

Some people excel at multitasking. They can handle multiple tasks simultaneously without making mistakes. On the other hand, some might have difficulty managing even a single task. In this case, not only is she excellent at multitasking, but she also prioritizes taking selfies. The cookies look delicious, but the way she took the selfie is amusing. Take note, she is doing all of this in a bathroom. That’s why she’s holding the spoon in her mouth instead of putting it down. But what is the reason for doing this in a bathroom?

The Return of the Dark Lord

Two girls were having a good time in a park, trying to enjoy the fresh air. They thought it would be fun to take a selfie and share it online. However, they were unaware that the Dark Lord had photobombed their picture. It seems the Dark Lord from Harry Potter made an unexpected appearance and was also taking advantage of the park’s attractions. While it may not have bothered them at the time, seeing the selfie later could be quite unsettling. Let’s hope they spot it and stay happy.

An Unforgettable Prom!

There’s no denying that prom is one of the most unforgettable nights for everyone. It’s something everyone looks forward to. But what if, while you’re having your prom photo shoot, you see a tornado approaching? Take a selfie! This isn’t a night to fear anyone, but what if it’s a tornado? It seems like this girl isn’t even afraid. She’s standing right there, taking a cool selfie as the tornado comes her way. She should be more concerned with her safety than her poses.

It must be Halloween!

It seems Halloween has arrived, but the daughter isn’t in costume. If it wasn’t Halloween, there’s no explanation for why the father chose to do this. He looks frightening and unattractive at once. The makeup artist could have done a better job. The daughter in the background seems puzzled. She can’t decide whether to laugh or cry when she sees her father. The dad attempted to look like Kesha but failed miserably. However, there’s no turning back now, and he has to keep this look for the day.

They’ve had enough.

Australian Police Have Had Enough Of Your Shit
Police officers are among those who work tirelessly to ensure the safety of every citizen. Although they have faced criticism due to the actions of a few officers, this should not be a reason to treat all officers with disrespect. They deserve some appreciation. It seems the officers have had enough of the foolishness directed at them. It’s unfortunate when some young individuals try to provoke and push officers to their limits. This behavior needs to stop, though not everyone is considerate of such matters.

Please provide your license and registration!

Being pulled over is something you will likely experience at least once. Even if you haven’t done anything wrong, you might be stopped to ensure there are no safety concerns. And who doesn’t enjoy going over the speed limit when there’s an open road ahead? Before giving your documents to the officer, you decide to take a selfie with the officer standing at the window. Not every officer is as cool as this one. Be careful not to do this with any other officer, as they might see it as a problem.

Time to Get a New Camera

That Moment Your Camera Focuses On A Horse's Butt Instead Of Your Selfie
Capturing a well-focused image in daylight can be tricky, particularly when the sun is directly behind you. This can result in dark images and make it hard to take a great shot. In this case, the sunlight was coming from the front. It seems like he might need a new camera or photographer. The camera focused better on the horse than on him. This serves the horse well, but not the man. It’s likely this experience will prompt him to purchase a new camera immediately.

That’s Quite a Burn

Buddy Sent Us A Picture Of His Turf-Burn. When You See It
A turf burn is one of the most painful injuries someone can experience. It not only scorches the skin but also leaves noticeable marks, particularly if the burn is this large. However, the person was so occupied with displaying his turf burn that he didn’t realize something else. How can people overlook such minor details? Now, instead of feeling sorry for him, people might laugh. This guy provided them with an opportunity to joke around. Let’s hope he has good friends who didn’t make him feel bad about it.

I’m here, Mom!

Capturing a photo with your child is always a challenge. Young children are naturally curious and eager to explore. This mother is attempting to take a pleasant selfie with her little one in the mirror, but the baby is not cooperating. The child’s facial expressions suggest he is upset. Perhaps he isn’t fond of the idea of taking a picture. It might be clear from the mirror that he wants to hold the camera and take the picture himself. Eventually, the mother manages to take a selfie showing both the front and back of the baby.

A tiger and tattoos on my back

She might have new tattoos on her back, and she’s styling her hair to reveal her bare back in a bright selfie. She may have gone to the studio, and unnoticed, her pet’s water bowl was left empty. Meanwhile, Tiger (the pet dog) felt thirsty and didn’t want to disturb his owner. To quench his thirst, he went to the toilet bowl for a drink. This was captured in the shot by a large mirror and drew more attention than the girl herself.

The Ultimate Revenge!

It’s a charming selfie where we can see the dog displaying emotions of anger and jealousy just like a person. These two beautiful best friends didn’t allow the pup to join them for the photo, but he didn’t accept being ignored. While the girls are posing for the camera with sweet smiles, he raises his hindquarters, makes sure to get in the frame with an angry expression, and successfully disrupts their picture. We have to admit it was the perfect revenge. The girls will never try to exclude him from a photo again.

Exercising with Grandma

This boy must have worked hard during his sessions to practice body flexibility. Now it’s time to document his progress and take a picture showing off his flexed abs. It’s impossible to take a selfie while stretching your limbs, which is why he asked his grandma to take the picture. Oh, wait. Grandma appears in the picture as well. She was so focused on getting the perfect shot of her grandson that she might have forgotten to stay out of the mirror’s reflection, leading to an unintended cameo.

Unforgettable Selfie

Taking a walk with your partner and pet is a wonderful experience, particularly on a Sunday morning. You can explore new places and unwind there to ease some of the stress you’ve been experiencing. Imagine pulling out your camera for a selfie and noticing what your partner is doing in the background. It seems as though both the man and the dog are embarrassed by her actions. At least he captured the moment to share how their Sunday walk unfolded.

Is this correct?

Perspective photos have become trendy when posing in front of a monument. Mistakes were made while taking this picture; some were the guy’s fault, but many were the photographer’s responsibility. People often take perspective photos at the Washington monument, but it requires guidance more than skill to capture the perfect shot. This guy believed he was in the right position but was unaware he needed to shift to the left. The photographer didn’t inform his friend to adjust slightly to the left, letting him believe he had captured the building perfectly and created a masterpiece.

Is it a Twinfie?

Matching outfits can be somewhat uncomfortable for some individuals, but this man was amazed when he saw another person wearing the same shirt as him. He couldn’t believe his fortune and chose to take a selfie with his shirt-twin. The man in the background might be wearing the same shirt as the man in the foreground, but their facial expressions tell a different story. The man in front is joyful as he observes his shirt-twin, while the man in the back appears unaware. The man in front had a psychic moment while wearing the same shirt as someone else.

How to Tilt the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a historical monument that is featured in many memorable photos. People often attempt to take creative and unique photos that appear as if they are pushing the tower. In this particular image, we see the same thing happening. Someone captured this amusing picture from the other side, showing people seemingly pushing the tower. This background shot reveals how many people were creating photographic masterpieces, often looking comical while doing so. The act of taking these perspective photos appears even funnier, highlighting how this place has become a popular tourist attraction.

The Selfie with Spiderman

Occasionally, individuals lack sufficient room to display their entire ensemble. For this reason, they adopt poses that showcase the complete outfit. The monkey pose illustrates how you can display your whole outfit, including your shoes, even in limited space. This person didn’t have enough room to showcase his full outfit, so he did something unique by standing on the door to display his attire. He wasn’t concerned about how humorous he might appear and ended up creating something remarkable.

Allow the man his privacy.

Since cell phones now come with cameras, there’s been a craze for photos and selfies. People are often so focused on capturing the moment that they pay little attention to their surroundings or who is nearby. Young people, in particular, are constantly striving to take the perfect shot, regardless of who might be beside them. Some even take photos in restrooms because of the good lighting and large mirrors. However, it’s important to remember that both the location and timing of taking pictures matter. It’s quite inappropriate to take photos in public restrooms while others are present and may be looking at you in astonishment.

Photobombers in the bathroom

People who love taking pictures are always prepared to snap a photo and often don’t pay attention to their surroundings before pressing the capture button. Similarly, this girl was so focused on taking a picture that she didn’t notice the commotion between a mother and son in the background, which made the photo quite amusing. Being deeply absorbed in taking photos can sometimes make you oblivious to what’s happening around you. In such instances, an ordinary picture can unintentionally become very funny. In these situations, your mood might be influenced after seeing the photos.

The Selfie of the Royals

Photography enthusiasts might go as far as breaking rules just to take a picture. This situation serves as an example: a child succeeded in capturing a selfie with the Queen of England, which is not permitted for the public. It seems he intercepted her path to include her in the selfie. This bold move is commendable because it defies the law prohibiting such photos with any royal family member. Nonetheless, the picture will remain a lasting memory for him, and it will surely bring a smile to his face whenever he sees it.

Taking a selfie with a laptop

It’s commendable to utilize whatever resources are available and maximize their potential. This individual is an example of that. After possibly losing his phone, he used his computer screen in front of a mirror to take a selfie of his own selfie. Instead of simply using the front camera, it seems he attempted to position the screen in front of the mirror to create a front camera effect and capture the picture from the mirror. His double effort is quite intriguing.
